Sunday, February 23, 2020

Why did the Cold War End Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why did the Cold War End - Essay Example It is called the Cold war mainly because there was no direct confrontation between these two world powers and instead, their confrontations tended to happen by proxy. They often provided the funding and weapons to rival groups in various countries, such as Vietnam and Korea, and these fought each other to see which ideology would come up supreme (Hitchens 2006, 276). It is to the credit of the leaders of these rival states that they did not come to an open confrontation with each other. If they had allowed their emotions to get away with them, then it would have been a disaster on a global scale. This is because both of these powers possessed nuclear weapons, and in case of a war, they would have been inevitably used. Despite all the rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United State, the Cold war suddenly ended in the late 1980s; this was mainly due to both long term and short-term issues, which took place in the Soviet Union, and these, are what will be discussed in this paper. The main reason why the Cold war ended is because the Soviet Union collapsed, and this happened due to various long and short-term circumstances. It has been suggested by certain scholars that the Soviet Union would have fallen much sooner than it did (Dobbs, 1993). This is because, from the time of Stalin’s rule onwards, the Soviet Union was not secure when it came to food supply. Stalin’s policy of the collectivization of agriculture, and the seizure of peasants’ property left the Soviet Union with insufficient grain reserves to feed its population. Where it had once been one of the largest exporters of grain in the world, it became one of its biggest importers. There was extremely little funding for the Soviet Union to use to export grain and there came a time when the state was virtually bankrupt. This would have manifested the fall of the Soviet system but

Friday, February 7, 2020

Post-Staff Reduction Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Post-Staff Reduction Plan - Essay Example But the security perspective of the installation will not change in any way (No reduction of the size of the building or installation is possible).My line of action to cope up with the unpleasant responsibilities will be by adopting the following strategies: 1. Generally, reduction in the staff strength will be on the basis of seniority, by applying the procedure of ‘last in first out’ method. In the present case, I will follow this method strictly, to remove any apprehensions in the minds of the staff. If any other member of the staff has to be removed on out of turn basis that will be by adopting the normal disciplinary proceedings and on the basis of the findings of the departmental enquiry. Reduction in staff on any count will be an unwelcome change, but I will face the situation with a positive attitude by orally assuring the staff that the impending retrenchment will be hopefully be a temporary phenomenon, and as soon as the budget constraints are improved they can look forward for a favorable response from the management. I will be guided by this principle: â€Å"Your behavior and attitude are critical elements in steering the group successfully through the transition. A positive attitude does not imply that you sho uld deny the difficult and unfortunate aspects of what might be happening.† (www.ucdmc.) The staff shall be in a state of anxiety. As such I will keep the doors of communication open, and deal with them with utmost patience. 3. I will impress upon the staff, that there is nothing wrong with the management of the company, the top management is responsible and ever eager to mitigate the difficulties of the employees facing retrenchment, but the bad shape of the economy and the market forces are responsible for the present state of affairs. I shall try my best to normalize the reactions of the employees and assure them of all lay-off benefits which will be settled within the quickest possible time. 4. I shall