Sunday, April 12, 2020

Digital Crime Problem and Its Solving

Most of the modern world businesses are conducted with the assistance of computers that have internet connections. Therefore, these computers carry very important personal and company information that can be utilized by hackers to commit crime (System Solutions Group, 2003).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Crime Problem and Its Solving specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Digital crime is therefore committed when an individual obtains access to confidential information such as credit card numbers or using unauthorized means to access a computer in order to acquire some private information. Since the computer systems are connected globally, this form of crime is also global and not limited by territorial borders (Caeti et al, 2005). It is therefore a very complex form of crime to curb. Digital crime can be committed through various ways. When an individual decides to make and distribute computer worms and viru ses, it may hamper the normal functioning of a computer system rendering it vulnerable to security breaches (Caeti et al, 2005). Other ways through which this type of crime is committed include production and distribution of child pornography; repeated stealing of money that is done in small bits and commonly known as Salami slicing; identity theft enabling deceptive computer transactions; property theft with the aid of computer systems; piracy; unauthorized use and alteration of programs; deliberate interference with computerized protection systems; and fraudulent manipulation of computer records (Caeti et al, 2005). Electronic funds transfer is also another form of digital crime that is on the rise especially in the developed world whereby almost every business transaction is digitalized. This is achieved through counterfeiting digital information stored on a credit card. Not all of these digital crimes occur in isolation. Most of them are compound in such a way one that crime nec essitates another one (System Solutions Group, 2003). Currently, effective measures have been put in place to combat digital crimes. The introduction of a worldwide Data Security Standard (DSS), which protects cardholder data from access and manipulation, has greatly reduced instances of fraudulent cash withdrawals from the ATMs. This system integrates network architecture, software design, security management, policies, and procedures. It enables improved security in the banking sector globally (Caeti et al, 2005). A global multilayered advance to security has also helped in countering digital crime. This approach protects digital systems from malware threats of any type. These systems are able to withstand security breaches.Advertising Looking for essay on criminology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are myriads of security software in the market that have been designed to help in combating digital crimes (System Solut ions Group, 2003). A good example of such software is the antivirus software that protects computer systems from viruses, malwares, and worms. This makes it difficult for hackers to establish a link into a remote computer. Windows defender is also important security software that prevents unauthorized access to a computer. The use of a pin or a password also assists in regulating digital crimes. Laws have been enacted that incriminate any form of digital crimes. Child protection laws ensure that there is no production of child pornographic materials. Antipiracy laws also help in combating unauthorized production of digital information. International security bodies such as Interpol and the FBI have been put in place to help combat this crime, since it is not limited to a country. Forensic systems have been built in such a way that any form of data manipulations can be noticed and consequently enhancing the accuracy of crime scene investigation data. All these security measures can o nly function effectively if the user of the digital device such as a computer employs other standard measures needed to regulate digital crimes. The system software must be up to date since the current software is complex and hard to hack. The digital system should equally be protected with a complex password that contains variety of characters (System Solutions Group, 2003). Finally, prevention of digital crime can be enhanced by reporting to the authorities any suspicious activity. Therefore for digital crime to be tackled effectively all digital systems users should be involved. References Caeti, T. J., Liederbach, J. R., Loper, K. J., Fritsch, E. J. Taylor, R. W. (2005). Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice Hall. System Solutions Group. (2003). Digital Crime. Retrieved from We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Crime Problem and Its Solving specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Digital Crime Problem and Its Solving was written and submitted by user Augustus Bartlett to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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