Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Teamwork And Design Learning Cycle Table †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Teamwork And Design Learning Cycle Table. Answer: Learning Cycles This part states to design learning cycle table with including each team member with accounting teamwork within meeting schedule. The learning cycle is to be prepared before the roles are assigned to the team. The learning cycle table is prepared considering two separate roles such as organizer and scribe. Organizer and scribe roles are clearly mentioned for the team personnel and their individual roles. The table shown all in details underneath: Meeting agendas Organizer Scribe Risk identification Risk manager organizes the meeting with other team members to let them know about the existing and emerging risks in the project. He identifies the risks along with consequences for declaring them in this meeting. Project manager, Resource Manager, RALS Authority Risk analysis Risk manager is responsible for holding this meeting with pointing out the risk analysis activity. Risk manager will identify some risk analyzer tools and techniques for analyzing the risks. Later, the risk consequences will be shared within the team members. Resource Manager, and Project Manager Risk response planning Risk manager is responsible for planning risk responses. The risk response planning is conducted for collecting responses regarding risk analysis and mitigation. The risk responses clearly identifies the strategy to mitigate risks. Business Analyst, Project Manager, Resource Manager Risk register Risk manager takes charge of the meeting for publishing risk register datasheet with detailed risk treatment plans. The risk treatment plan includes risk identification, severity scoring, consequences analysis, and mitigation aspects. Project Manager, RALS Authority, Business Analyst Risk mitigation plan Risk manager is responsible for mitigating risks and furthermore, reducing risk consequences alongside preventing the risk outcomes. Risk mitigation plan can be subject to change management as mitigation plan can change due to risk impacts and consequences. For instance, some risks could get removed from the system under certain situation; then the mitigation plan is subject to change. Project Manager, Business Analyst, Resource Manager, RALS Authority Communication Plan The communication plan is major component for preparing a structured way to share information, put up agenda to team members and discuss every aspect of the project within team. The communication plan is prepared for risk manager role with communication aspects, methods, and media to be used. Team member Agenda to be discussed Methods to be followed Communication media Ways to report and share information Risk Manager Budget value investigation Team meeting, discussion session, face-to-face session Emails and telephone calls for notifying about the meeting Conference calls for distant stakeholders The risk manager should share budget related reports to the members during meeting. The risk manager should take charge of the meeting by presenting the financial report and analysis results to the team members so that the sources of budget and optimal allocation of budget can be confirmed. Identification of financial sources Team meeting and face-to-face session Emails and telephone calls for notifying about the meeting Conference calls for distant stakeholders The risk manager should prepare a detailed budget report including detailed fund source confirmation. The RALS Authority should be notified about the fund sources so that they can process the allocated funds. Once, the sources are identified and fund allocation is completed, the risk manager is responsible for presenting detailed budget report to the authority. Planning about maintenance cost Discussion session, face-to-face session Emails and telephone calls for notifying about the meeting Conference calls for distant stakeholders Risk manager is responsible for create plan about maintenance process. The planning over maintenance cost should be considered based on budget sources and costing plans as well. The planning of maintenance of cost is significant way to assess whether the system can have maintenance cost or not from allocated budget. Planning for maintenance cost is to be managed as per allocated budget, cost, and other funds accordingly. Risk mitigation plan Team meeting, discussion session, face-to-face session Emails and telephone calls for notifying about the meeting Conference calls for distant stakeholders Risk manager takes responsibility for considering mitigation plan along with sharing it among the team members. The risk manager should report to RALS authority for sharing the risk mitigation with others. Once, the risk mitigation plan is prepared with sharing it among team; the mitigation plan is to be approved from RALS authority. The risk manager needs to prepare the risk mitigation plan so that the consequences of risks can be mitigated. Reflection I understand that the leadership qualities and skills are most essential part of team leader and most importantly, the leadership quality is gained through years of experience. The leadership qualities are important part of managing entire project alongside the stakeholder training and following work procedures. As much as I believe, the stakeholders are quite compatible with leadership qualities and their attributes regarding their activities with the project. I follow the fact that leadership is the significant essence of any project accomplishment successfully. In this project, I want to declare one thing is that the roles and responsibilities are uniformly distributed among the stakeholders. The relationship between the stakeholders was quite strong resulting into proper coordination among the members. The project manager helped other team members with sheer strategy of optimal workforce segmentation. The communication plan acted as another significant factor in this team structu re as well. As a risk manager, I thought that ICT project manager should grasp risk management skills as well. In particular, the project manager should prepare the risk treatment plan. In this specific project, I believe the important skill and technique that one ICT project manager should adhere is that how risks are identified, how the risks are analyzed, how the risk mitigation plan is prepared as well. Moreover, project manager should conduct cause-effect analysis, benchmarking, and fishbone analysis in order to identify risks and their consequences. The risk analysis plan is prepared along with appropriate mitigation plan so that identified risks can be treated. The risk management techniques and methods should be appropriately utilized; once project manager had prepared the risk treatment plan; as a risk manager, I can approve and modify the risks. In this manner, I can achieve better ways to address risks along with management plan of risks in this project. Bibliography Bucero, A. and Englund, R.L., 2015, October. Project sponsorship: Achieving management commitment for project success. Project Management Institute. 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