Friday, May 15, 2020

Issues Behind Illegal Immigration Essay - 569 Words

Why should illegal immigration be focused on by effort to restructure U.S. borders? Illegal immigration is an American concern. Our borders are dangerously open to aliens and the population continues to grow which can cause overpopulation in the United States. Illegal aliens weaken the national security of America. This can effectively create a cover for terrorists and criminals. Also, illegal immigrants are causing unemployment. Many citizens and illegal aliens are competing for jobs, but because the undocumented immigrants are available for tougher jobs with lower wages, the companies are hiring them causing the citizens to lose their opportunities. Because of illegal immigration, U.S. is less protected and the borders need to be†¦show more content†¦Efforts need to focus primarily on keeping our boarders secure so that number goes down and stays down. Immigrants are available for lower wages, no matter the condition because it is one of the many reasons that they would come to this country, along with other reasons such as economic, political, social and environmental reasons. In order to keep what they came here for they still need to work like a citizen even though they are illegal. By staying economically stable they will go to the rougher jobs that pay lower just to keep up. Numerous immigrants are working to support their families and to do that they need to Another problem is that illegal aliens are not paying taxes and do not have health care for themselves. They are being covered by the government paying their health care. When a women migrant has a child in the United States, the costs are fully paid by the taxpayers and the mother does not have to pay it back. Nearly 400,000 children are born each year in America by illegal immigrant women (Rector, 7).This means that citizens are paying taxes for children born here illegally. Illegal aliens are receiving emergency medical services that tax payers in addition have to pay for. The boarder needs to be better secured. Because migrants are getting into the United States illegally, there are terrorists and criminal entering. It is harming Americans living here; three of the four terrorists in the act on September 11,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Why should the U.S have border patrol?1611 Words   |  7 PagesBorder Patrol: Why should the U.S have border patrol? Illegal immigrants have always been a problem in the United States for some time now. â€Å"In October 2008, the illegal immigrant population stood at 11.9 million according to the Pew Hispanic Center† (Illegal Immigration Facts Statistics†). 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